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Selecting the Right DC Motor for Robots

There are three main factors that need to be considered when selecting a DC motor type for any robotics application:

  • Motor Speed: both minimum and maximum speed, with acceleration
  • Torque: maximum torque that can be generated and its relation to speed
  • Precision: of the motor’s operation and its repeatability

Having discussed these in the previous sections, we need to turn our attention towards other factors. If the budget needs to be contained or is inflexible, then a stepper motor will need to be seriously considered. If performance is the key for the robotic application, then a servo motor will be more suitable but will present a more expensive option.

In summary, these areas need to be clarified and understood to identify the right DC motor for any robotic device:

  • Torque requirements
  • Speed (and variation) requirements
  • Desired acceleration and deceleration requirements
  • Mass load and inertia
  • Budgetary limitations
  • Motor size limitations

Regardless of whether a DC motor is used for industrial or personal environments, designing a high-end motor requires accurate positioning capabilities – which by engineering nature are complex. A versatile and reliable solution is needed to optimally operate any mechanical robotic application.

The scope for the application of DC motors and robotics devices is endless, and such motors have recently been associated with emerging functions such as drone manufacturing and drone flying operations, through to the big Agriculture 4.0 large-scale precision agriculture machines.

Why not contact the motion experts at Telco Intercontinental, we will gladly discuss your motion control assembly needs, and we can design and deliver the right optimized solution to satisfy your requirements.