Right Angle Gearmotors
TelcoMotion’s right-angle gearmotors are known for their compactness and high torque output. Equipped with either AC or DC electric motors, these gearmotors offer a versatile solution to meet the specification of your applications. TelcoMotion has years of experience working to source, design, and manufacture critical industrial and commercial components—you can trust the quality of our […]
Planetary Gearmotors
Harness the power of planetary mechanisms with our state-of-the-art DC and AC planetary gearmotors. Tailored to deliver outstanding torque and speed, these gearmotors are designed to accommodate a wide range of applications and industries, which you can learn more about here. Your Top Choice for Planetary Gearmotors With torque specifications ranging from 0.14 to 19.6 […]
Parallel Shaft Gearmotors
Parallel shaft gearmotors are fundamental to many industrial processes, balancing power, efficiency, and durability. TelcoMotion’s gearmotors are designed to withstand large, unusual loads, such as an unforeseen resistance to torque, for a period of time. Many of our gearmotors are housed in precision die-cast aluminum and fixed with hardened steel shafts, which make them highly […]