Centrifugal blowers
IntelliGreen 48 EC Motors motor provides up to 4000 RPM, ensuring a powerful and reliable motor to power the centrifugal blower. Our brushless motor features 90% efficiency and uses overall less energy to power the system as a quiet and cost-effective alternative to PSC and EC Motors.
Power roof ventilators
TelcoGreen IntelliGreen 48 converts most of its motor power to reliable energy to ensure your application runs efficiently and cost-effectively. You can control the speed of the motor using the integrated control module.
IntelliGreen 48 runs continuously at full power while maintaining its 90% efficiency at various speed levels. TelcoGreen motors have voltage, current, and thermal protection in case the furnace gets too hot, and the remote mount driver keeps sensitive electronics away from anything that could harm the motor.
Heat pumps
The IntelliGreen 48 EC Motors ensures the heat pump operates efficiently without using as much power. The remote mount driver protects all sensitive components of the EC Motors and the thermal protection features prevent the motor and system from overheating.
TelcoGreen IntelliGreen motors have integrated control modules to control the speed and parameters of the motor to fit the needs of the HVAC or pump application. The remote mount protects any important motor parts from the harsh conditions of the evaporator. IntelliGreen 48 has premium durable materials to withstand harsh environments as well.
Condensing units
IntelliGreen 48 variable speed motors modulate the fan speed for condensing units. The system can perform its heating and cooling activities in a cost-effective way, especially during cooler times when the condensing unit can operate at a lower setting.
Fan coil units
IntelliGreen 48 helps fan coil units maintain indoor air quality over the coil for heating and cooling before pushing it back into the room. It can adjust to pressure changes in the system at lower energy consumption levels. It is a cost-effective way to operate the fan coil unit and can reduce maintenance costs.
Air handlers
IntelliGreen 48 is more efficient and lightweight compared to PSC and EC Motors. It can go up to 4000 RPM and you can easily adjust the motor speed based on the needs of your application.
Belt driven applications
IntelliGreen motors can absorb a significant amount of shock and vibration for the application. These motors are highly efficient and offer a lot of power, which makes them ideal because belt drive applications need to transmit power between shafts.
Propeller fans
IntelliGreen 48 brushless motors provide optimal airflow in propeller fans regardless of where you install them. They are designed to improve the efficiency of the propeller fans while operating quietly and with less overall energy consumption.
Air conditioners
IntelliGreen 48 motors maintain proper airflow throughout the air conditioner to ensure it regulates the temperature of the room.