Every type of motor has a unique purpose. The more you understand worm gearmotors, the more value you’ll get out of these unique machines. Worm gearmotors have a wide variety of potential applications that makes them extremely popular with countless businesses from different industries. Here is what you should know about worm gearmotors and how they work.
What is a worm gearmotor?
First of all, you’ll need to know what a worm gearmotor is. A worm gearmotor is a unique type of motor featuring three major components. These motors consist of a threaded gear that looks like a screw, a toothed wheel, and a motor.
What are the advantages of worm gearmotors?
One of the biggest advantages of using a worm gearmotor is the amount of physical space you can save. These motors are very compact which makes them an ideal choice for businesses in the food packaging industry.
To take full advantage of the benefits associated with worm gearmotors, it pays to know about the best worm gearmotor manufacturers. The quality of any worm gearmotor depends on the dependability of the manufacturer which is why so many people choose to source their worm gearmotors from Telco.
How does a worm gear work?
The two most important components of any worm gearmotor are the screw and the wheel. These components are commonly called a worm screw and worm wheel respectively. The gear ratio makes them smaller and subsequently more popular.
The amount of force needed to turn a worm wheel depends on the diameter of the screw and the worm wheel itself. The worm wheel turns with the screw which generates sufficient rotational force to perform a wide variety of tasks.
What are worm gearmotors used for?
Worm gearmotors have a vast array of applications. Depending on what you’re intending on doing you may need a high torque worm gearmotor or a DC worm gearmotor. Worm gearmotors are used in elevators, packaging equipment, and heavy equipment.
These motors are valued for a number of reasons including the fact that they have the capacity to absorb the energy from large sudden shocks. That what makes them so well-suited for heavy equipment and industrial purposes.
They’re also much quieter than other motors which makes them an ideal choice for applications that require relative silence. This makes them popular with elevator manufacturers. Have you ever noticed that aside from the people inside them, elevators aren’t particularly noisy? You have a worm gearmotor to thank for that!
Ready to place an order? Get your worm gearmotors from Telco today!
Now that you know about worm gearmotors, how they work, and what they can do, it’s time to place an order. The manufacturer that you choose to work with will make a huge difference in terms of how much you’ll benefit from these motors. Telco is recognized as one of the most qualified sources of worm gearmotors in the nation.
You haven’t used a worm gearmotor until you’ve tried one of ours. Call today and experience the Telco difference.