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Home > IntelliGreen EC Motors
IntelliGreen is our original line of Electronically Commutated Motors (EC Motors) providing high-efficiency and reliable motor power for a variety of unique HVAC and pump applications. These variable speed motors are a great cost-effective alternative to standard PSC and shaded pole motors.
Choose from off-the-shelf products ready for your system and assembly line right away or let us help you create a custom solution that fits the parameters of your project perfectly. Our brushless motors provide up to 90% efficiency to help reduce your carbon footprint while resolving some of your most challenging production requirements.
IntelliGreen 42 is part of our original line of EC Motors designed as a high-quality solution to improve HVAC application efficiency. It is a NEMA 42 frame motor with up to one-quarter horsepower.
The IntelliGreen 42 motor features a single or dual shaft offering up to 85% electrical efficiency to ensure most of the energy converts into useful power for the system. We thoroughly design, develop, and engineer our brushless permanent magnet motors to produce optimum airflow in a variety of environmental conditions.
IntelliGreen 48 features a NEMA 48 frame and has up to 90% electrical efficiency. You can configure our IntelliGreen 48 motor using either an integrated or external control module which can be programmed for custom applications.
The IntelliGreen 48 motor is a cost-effective solution to improve your energy efficiency in HVAC and pump applications.
IntelliGreen 56 is our newest product line of variable speed EC Motors in the integral horsepower space with an internal control module built into the motor. You can use this in most air-moving applications to reduce the energy consumption of demanding HVAC systems.
The IntelliGreen 56 offers precise controls and integrated functions to produce optimum airflow in different environment conditions required by your application.
Our IntelliGreen EC Motors go through hours of design, development, and engineering to provide the optimal motor solution for your HVAC and pump applications. These reliable, brushless permanent magnet motors will improve the efficiency of your system.
The TelcoGreen IntelliGreen line of EC Motors has many useful applications in the HVAC and pump industries, such as cooling and heating applications.
The IntelliGreen line is ideal for:
Any outlying brushed DC motor-related questions? This FAQ section should be able to help.
TelcoGreen IntelliGreen EC Motors are made with premium materials and are designed to reliably satisfy your performance requirements. We go through countless hours of rigorous design, development, and engineering to ensure our brushless motors can meet your project needs and resolve your toughest production challenges.
With up to 90% efficiency and 4000 RPM, the IntelliGreen EC Motors motors are perfect for reducing overall electrical consumption to reduce your carbon footprint while providing cost-effective, reliable motor power.
These motors make ideal upgrades for dated PSC and shaded pole motor technology. IntelliGreen EC Motors have many impressive features, such as a fully potted control module, single and dual shaft options, development software, and voltage protection. These features make the IntelliGreen motors perfect for a variety of HVAC and pump applications.
Not only do we provide off-the-shelf EC Motors, but we specialize in custom solutions uniquely programmed to satisfy the parameters and requirements of your project.
Our team of in-house designers and procurement can source components and provide full sub-assemblies for your production needs. We also offer local warehousing programs to accommodate your inventory needs and simplify supply management.
When you choose TelcoGreen IntelliGreen EC Motors, you get the component quality and support you need.
The IntelliGreen EC motor is our original line of variable speed brushless EC Motors. There are three products in this line, the IntelliGreen 42, the IntelliGreen 48, and the IntelliGreen 56. These are ideal for many HVAC and pump industry applications where optimum airflow production is essential, such as heat pumps, centrifugal furnaces, evaporators, and commercial ovens.
IntelliGreen EC Motors have up to 90% efficiency and 4000 RPM, providing reliable and cost-effective motor power for your system.
Yes, the IntelliGreen<sup>®</sup> EC Motors are optimal alternatives for your existing PSC or EC motor. Telco motors can provide as much power as PSC and EC Motors with less overall electricity consumption.
Other differences besides the frame size are the efficiency levels. The IntelliGreen 42 and IntelliGreen 48 EC Motors are part of our original line of variable speed motors that operate with a constant speed configuration. The IntelliGreen 56 is our new line of variable speed EC Motors in the integral horsepower space.
Why settle for less? Put Telco’s motion control and supply chain experts to work on your next project.
Whether you need more efficient solutions or engineering 
innovation, our engineers are up to any challenge.
Telco Intercontinental Corp.
9812 Whithorn Drive
Houston, TX 77095 USA
Office: (281) 855-2218